sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2016


                                   Country: UNITED STATES

Imagen relacionada The way to greet in the United States is as follows: when it is a
greeting between a man and a woman, let it be she who takes the first step. Also, it is important to look into the other person's eyes while greeting, this is done by shaking hands. Usually, in English they usually say How do you do ?, although if we are meeting someone for the first time, it is common to say simply Hello,I am ... and our first name.
To say goodbye in a formal way, it is common to give a hug and a kiss between friends and people nearby, and an informal the
farewell can be given by saying thank you and giving his hand q this is very common.    

                                                    Food and drink   

Resultado de imagen para comida de estados unidos
Americans eat a lot of fast food which has become a habit among these we can find (hamburgers, fried chicken or pizza), also eat food from anywhere in the world. Basic in your diet are potatoes, pasta, bread and rice. The portions that are served in the restaurants are enormous, so much so that two people who are from there can eat from the same dish without starving. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited for children under 21, and many adults do not drink them for religious reasons. When eating, they usually hold the fork with the hand they write.

                                                                               Marriage and Family
Resultado de imagen para Matrimonios y familias estados unidos In the United States a custom is that many couples choose to live together before marriage, or be in fact couples, the marriage rate is one of the highest in Western societies and the divorce rate is one of the highest in the world- . Weddings vary in style according to religion, region, ethnic origin and economic resources; Both religious and lay people may have legal authority to officiate weddings. The average marriage age is 26 for men and 24 for women.

The American family has changed a lot in recent decades. Today only 25% of all households are made up of a traditional nuclear family, and more than half of all households have no children. One in three children is born to parents who are not married. The number of single-parent families has also increased greatly.



10 comentarios:

  1. I like the customs you have put look very interesting, I call my attention because I did not know that most people in the United States ate junk food. 9"A"

  2. My serious question: At what age do people start to consume this junk food?

    1. Answering your question people begin to eat between 6 and 19 years, this junk food that is not good for health, can be very dangerous to children under 6 years, if consumed can cause obesity that would take almost to death.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Here is a small mistake in your comment, but good. Teachers not only in the United States but throughout the world greet in a formal way when they meet with students. For example this is a greeting when the teacher is in the street a classmate says: The student says Good morning and the teacher responds to you Good morning, How is it? This is the greeting of the teachers.

  5. How excellent is your blogger, I did not know that the woman was the one who took the first step of the greeting, not the man, just like in our country. My question is: Do teachers greet you in the United States formal or informal?

  6. How excellent is your blogger, I did not know that the woman was the one who took the first step of the greeting, not the man, just like in our country. My question is: Do teachers greet you in the United States formal or informal?

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Teachers not only in the United States but throughout the world greet in a formal way when they meet with students. For example this is a greeting when the teacher is in the street a classmate says: The student says Good morning and the teacher responds to you Good morning, How is it? This is the greeting of the teachers.

  9. Good job thanks to this work what are the habits of the united states excellent work
